Ziegfeld Follies a lavish Broadway variety show, produced by American Florenz Ziegfeld (1869-1932).ĭoberman pinscher any of a breed of large dog with erect ears, a docked tail, and a short, smooth, usually dark coat with tan markings.Ĭaddy a person who attends a golfer, carrying the clubs, finding the balls, etc. Holden's one consolation is that he knows Jean has already irked Stradlater by signing out of her dorm only until 9:30 p.m.Ĭan a toilet here, the large room in the dorm that houses the toilets and sinks. Holden has good reason to be concerned for Jean Stradlater is an experienced womanizer, and the Jean that Holden knows is an innocent dreamer, the kind of girl who, when she plays checkers, leaves her kings lined up in the opponent's back row, where they were crowned, preferring aesthetic design to victory. Too lazy and incompetent to be a decent writer himself, Stradlater aggravates Holden by pretending that the only reason he can't write is that he puts the commas in the wrong places. Stradlater wants Holden to compose a descriptive English theme for him because he knows that Holden writes well.
His razor, for example, is rusty and full of hair. Stradlater may be well groomed, because he is in love with himself, but he lives like a pig. Stradlater is a "Year Book kind of handsome guy." He has superficial good looks and is extremely photogenic, but he is arrogant and vain. The book is most commonly used for scholastic purposes in high schools, known for its. Holden returns to his room and is joined by Ackley, whose company Holden doesn't mind, because listening to Ackley distracts him from thinking about Jane. Salinger was originally published in 1951, but is still popular today. Stradlater talks Holden into writing an English theme paper for him. Circle the letter of the correct response. Read each question carefully and then read all the possible answers. This quiz covers Chapters one through three. Holden Caufield is the protagonist in this classic novel. Holden repeatedly says he should go downstairs to say hello to Jane, but he never does. Salinger : Catcher in the Rye Chapters 1-3 Quiz. He says his parents are nice, but 'touchy' and would not like him talking about them. Holden starts by saying that he will not be telling a story about his childhood and divulging personal information about his parents. Holden is first shocked and then concerned when he learns that his roommate's date that night is Jane Gallagher, a friend of his from the summer before his sophomore year. Salinger is told in the first person by the main character, Holden Caulfield. Having nothing better to do, Holden accompanies his roommate, Stradlater, as he prepares for a Saturday night date. Although the dorms have showers separating rooms, the toilets and sinks are down the hall.